University of the Third Age in Mielec
On April 6th 2018, in a spectacle hall of the Culture Center in Mielec, took place a lecture entitled "The Last Frontier. Life expedition to Alaska". The lecture was a part of academic classes carried on local University of the Third Age. Almost 150 persons came to this slideshow, which has been a proof not only of high popularity of travel slideshows but also has indicated a great interest of Alaska. Big applause crowning my lecture was a confirmation that seniors from Mielec have liked this wild land in North America very much (photo 1-6). On December 14th, 2018 took place a slideshow with movie entitled "The Bieszczady Mountains. The land of boundless montane meadows" (photo 7-12). On December 20th, 2024 took place a slideshow entitled "The Biebrza River Valley. The last wild wetlands of Europe" (photo 13-18).
Author of the photographs: Sebastian R. Bielak.