University of the Third Age in Sierakow
On May 24th 2017, in one of the halls of local culture center, took place a slideshow entitled "The Bieszczady Mountains. The land of boundless mountain meadows". About 70 persons came to this slideshow, they watched the photographs and the movie with great interest, while listening to my stories about wildlife of eastern part of the Carpathian Mountains. The slideshow was a kind of theme preparation for their own trip to the Bieszczady Mountains that had been planned for upcoming June. After the slideshow there was time for questions and registrations in student’s books and the whole meeting passed in unusually pleasant climate (photo 1-6). On April 19th, 2018 took place a slideshow combined with emission of a movie entitled "The Bialowieza Primeval Forest. The kingdom of a wood bison" (photo 7-12). On May 14th, 2019 took place a slideshow entitled "The Table Mountains. Mysterious world of the Rock Towns" (photo 13-18). On January 16th, 2025 took place a slideshow entitled "The Pieniny Mountains. Mountains carved by wind and water" (photo 19-24).
Authors of the photographs: Sebastian R. Bielak (photo 1-5, 7, 13-24), UTA Sierakow (photo 6), Ryszard Jaskula (photo 8-12).